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Getting an OpenAI API Key

Follow these instructions to obtain a new OpenAI API key.

  1. Registration
    Head over to and on the navigation bar click API > Overview > "Get Started" Button. This will bring you to a sign up page. If you already have a ChatGPT account, you can click “Sign in” and use your usual account credentials.

    Register using your email or a preferred authentication service. On the ensuing page(s), enter your personal information and proceed. Input your phone number, and authenticate it with the code sent via SMS. It’s crucial to use accurate information since the OpenAI services are chargeable.

  2. Set up Billing and Payment information
    Typically, OpenAI gives new API users a small credit to test out the API services, however, you must setup a payment method before using the API. Navigate to Settings > Billing to add a payment method. Remember, there’s no recurring fee; charges are based on your actual usage of OpenAI’s services. This billing section is distinct from ChatGPT’s subscription, so your existing credit card information may not appear here.

  3. Set API Limits, Budget, and Notification
    In Settings > Limits , you can set up API limits by establishing both soft and hard spending caps. Here, you can define a monthly budget (your absolute spending limit) and a lower notification threshold. This threshold is when OpenAI will alert you via email about your spending. A starting point can be around $10, which can be adjusted later based on your usage.

  4. API Key Generation and Management Next, select API keys from the left side menu, create a new secret key, and assign it a unique name. You’re allowed multiple keys. Remember to copy this key as it’s required for our tool.

    Since you can have as many keys as you want, it is generally considered good practice to create a new key for every service you use so you can limit exposure of your secret keys and abuse of your account billing.

  5. Usage Monitoring Finally, it’s beneficial to periodically check the Usage section on OpenAI’s website. This helps you monitor the services used and their respective costs, providing a good insight into your consumption patterns.

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